President's Welcome Letter



Sioux Falls Estate Planning Council

Membership Letter

July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 Program Year



As president of the Sioux Falls Estate Planning Council (SFEPC), I cordially invite you to join or renew your membership in the SFEPC for the 2024-2025 program year. The SFEPC has scheduled nine live presentations and at least six Cannon Financial Institute teleconference presentations, all with lunch included. Attending all of these sessions equates to $18.34 for each educational presentation and lunch, a tremendous value! 

For our members with CTFA designations, the 6 Cannon Financial Institute teleconferences will qualify for credit that you won’t have to pay for individually. The council will also submit the presentation by Jonathan Blattmachr at the extended joint session with the SD Bar in September for CE approval with the ABA. This is another added value to your council membership.

As a member of the SFEPC, you will join other estate planning professionals, including attorneys, trust officers, insurance advisors, certified public accountants, financial planners and philanthropic representatives in the simultaneous goal of being educated at some of the most informative presentations in the region. Our website has details about upcoming programs and additional benefits available to SFEPC members.

We encourage you to invite other estate planning professionals to join the SFEPC. Increased membership will allow us to continue to offer high quality programs at an affordable price.


Annual Dues

SFEPC members may renew their membership for the 2024-2025 program year for $275.00 if paid on or before July 1, 2024.  After July 1, 2024, the membership renewal is $295.00. New members, defined as those who were not members of the SFEPC in 2023-2024 or before, are invited to join for $275.00. New members need to first complete a membership application on the council website. Once the application is approved, then payment can be submitted. The annual dues include all of the live presentations, teleconferences and lunches at the Minnehaha Country Club, in addition to the benefits provided through the National Association of Estate Planners and Councils (NAEPC). Please go to our website and click on the Membership tab to process your renewal or application. If you need assistance with your log in credentials, please contact Angie Kuiper at


Accredited Estate Planner (AEP) Designation

The National Association of Estate Planners and Councils offers the Accredited Estate Planner designation to qualified individuals in the professional disciplines of accounting, insurance, law, trust services, and insurance & financial planning. This designation is highly regarded by other estate planning professionals throughout the country. In addition, AEP members receive a discounted rate to register for the monthly Robert Alexander Webinar Series that provides additional high-quality, multi-disciplinary, estate planning education as well as a discount on NAEPC national conference registration. Membership in SFEPC allows you the opportunity to apply for the designation.



The SFEPC continually strives to bring you a wide range of related topics of interest and in-depth education at a reasonable price, with the goals of career development, intellectual stimulation, and interaction among fellow professionals. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact one of the officers or board members who are listed on the SFEPC website by clicking the Leadership tab. 

We appreciate your support and look forward to having you as a new or continuing member in this highly regarded organization.



Erik Gilbertson, President