Communicating with Clients Through the Toughest Times of Life

Date: Thursday, April 17, 2025
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Minnehaha Country Club
Speaker: Amy Florian

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This event will be offered ONLY in person at the Minnehaha Country Club.

NO Recording will be available.


A buffet lunch will be served starting at 11:30 am. The webinar begins at noon.


Registration will close at 5 pm on Thursday, April 10th. 


About the Program:

Financial and legal professionals know how to do their job. Yet, they are rarely taught what to do and say (and what not to) when clients go through tough, emotional times, even though those skills are a major component of your success going forward. Understand the many levels and triggers of grief your clients experience during crisis and tragedy. Learn a list of things not to say, including several that will surprise you. Learn how to answer the dreaded “bad news” phone call, what to concentrate on at services after a death, and the most life-giving ways to communicate with grieving clients at appointments and on the phone. Walk away with practical, proven strategies to implement immediately.


About the Speaker:

Amy Florian, CEO of Corgenius, lives out her passion as she combines the best of neuroscience and psychology with a good dose of humor in training professionals to build strong relationships with clients through all the losses and transitions of life.

An acclaimed speaker who’s delivered over 1000 speaking engagements, she has authored over 250 articles and two award-winning books, including the financial advisor’s guidebook titled No Longer Awkward: Communicating with Clients through the Toughest Times of Life. Among her other awards, she was named one of the 20 Most Creative People in Insurance and Financial Services for her groundbreaking work, one of the 25 Front Runners and Influencers by Investment Advisor, an “Influential Woman in Business” from the National Association of Women Business Owners, and a 2021 Luminary by ThinkAdvisor. Amy has been quoted or featured in the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Forbes, MSN Money, the Journal of Financial Planning, Investment News, Wealth Management, and many others throughout the trade press.

She holds a Master’s Degree and is a Fellow in Thanatology (the highest level of certification in the field of grief studies). Amy taught a graduate class at Loyola University of Chicago for 10 years, she’s worked with over 2,500 grieving people, and has taught firms, corporations, and offices on four continents.

On a personal level, Amy is one of ten children and bakes amazing homemade cinnamon rolls and chocolate chip cookies!

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