How Best to Approach Philanthropy with Clients
This presentation integrates many of the principals and practices taught to advisors through the CAP® course, primarily differentiating the typical “Charity Conversation” from the more effective, and client-friendly “Impact Conversation”. For estate planners who understand and feel comfortable with this kind of planning approach, the results and degree of client satisfaction can be dramatic – not to mention impactful for the local community.
Registration will close at 5 pm on Thursday, November 1st. Please register if you will attend to ensure we have an accurate lunch count. As a note....the annual turkey dinner with all of the trimmings will be served! Thank you!
Our Speaker:
Marc Littlecott is the Director of Gift Planning at the South Dakota State University Foundation. As a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®), he is a qualified resource to many SDSU supporters and their advisors, coordinating with them all aspects of gift language and design in the areas of estate planning, business succession, real property, stock options, etc. He also leads the effort to secure gifts of land and land assets through SDSU's Jackrabbits Land Legacy program. Marc has worked since 1999 as a specialist in the field of planned giving, including 16 years with The Salvation Army in the states of Texas and Ohio. Since 2014, he has worked for the SDSU Foundation. He often presents to professional advisory organizations such as estate planning councils, bar associations, planned giving conferences, and financial planning groups about philanthropic planning, both conceptually and tactically. On the editorial board for the planned giving industry's premier trade journal, Planned Giving Today, Marc also serves as Secretary for the Charitable IRA Initiative, the national organization that secured the Charitable IRA Rollover into law in 2015 and which presently is seeking its expansion to include charitable trusts and gift annuities through H.R. 1337, The Legacy IRA bill. After graduating from the Virginia Military Institute in 1989, Marc served as a commissioned U.S. Army Reserve officer and worked several years with the Boy Scouts of America before concentrating solely in the field of planned giving. He lives in Brookings, SD with his wife Laura and two children.